Hi all!
Let me introduce myself. My name is Piotr Gaszewski and I’m a technical fellow specializing in building solutions based on Microsoft .NET, Power Platform and Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement technology stack. During my career I was working as a programmer, consultant, solution architect and team leader. At this moment my main responsibility is leading a team of engineers in one of the top organizations specializing in building Power Platform-based solutions in Poland.
The blog you’re currently looking at is my third attempt to transfer my thoughts and technical experience into paper…. Wait… I mean the computer screen of course. The first one took place in ancient times 😊 (~ 15 years ago) and it was really clumsy attempt at writing about the technology stack I was working with during mentioned times. My second blog, written in Polish, existed between 2015 and 2021 (first named: “XRM Labs”, and then just “Piotr Gaszewski”) and it contained mostly technical topics related to Dynamics, Power Platform and Azure platform. I’ve abandoned it because of the following reasons:
1. All the articles had been written in Polish. From the potential visitors’ perspective, it was not the best idea. Let’s be honest. Most technical content in the world has been delivered in English and I believe that using it in this new place is the right decision. Plus, because I’m not an English native speaker – it will be a good opportunity for me for practicing my language skills.
2. I wasn’t very happy about the quality of its content. Some articles were very outdated. Other texts presented techniques or approaches I would not use today for solving specific, defined problems.
3. Technical platform for the mentioned blog was WordPress (installation hosted and managed by myself) which I was not also very happy about. And because of the things described in the previous point I didn’t see any reason of migrating the blog into something new.
To summarize, the idea of this place is to have a fresh beginning and start delivering valuable technical (and sometimes maybe not so technical) content. I hope you’ll be able to find some interesting articles here. For me, it will be a possibility to start working on something I like. Because writing about something I'm interested in (next to writing code and the overall process of building technical solutions) is one of the professional activities I love most.